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iFanFic lets you download and read these types of stories from various websites where the stories are published to, and you DO NOT even have to be connected to the internet!
The downloader within iFanFic is set to help you quickly download and store entire stories off of these sites directly to your iPhone!
The viewer within iFanFic then lets you read, swipe, pinch, and rotate the text as you read your way through hundreds of great stories brought to you by people just like yourself!
1) Launch iFanFic
2) Click 'Add Story'
> Use the built-in keyboard to input the web address of a chapter in the story you want to have ALL of the chapters downloaded for.
> After dismissing the keyboard a few key attributes of your story will appear, or a warning if the address doesn't go to a compatible site.
> Click 'Download'.
- You will be sent back to the first page and under 'Add Story' will appear your newly added story!
3) Click on the new story's name *
> Choose a Chapter and begin reading!
- Pinch out or in to increase or decrease the text size.
- Swipe left or right to advance or retreat the page.
- Rotate the iPhone to get a landscape or portrait view of the text, tables, and download screen!
Extra Features:
1) Search.
> You can enter words in the search field and it will show you all of the instances of that word, what chapter, and what page it was on.
2) Placeholder.
> The app remembers where you left off on each chapter of every story
3) Notes.
> You can add notes to words in order to remember them for later, and the search feature will search through these notes too!
*To remove stories from your iPhone, click the 'Edit' Button and then the red circle with the '-' sign. Then click 'Delete' to confirm deleting the story.