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All you have to do is input each of your friends who are splitting the bill, then add each item each person purchased, hit 'Split Bill' to enter one of three options; your tax rate and desired tip rate, your bill with tax included and your desired tip rate, or your bill with tax and tip included, hit 'Split the Bill' and watch your iPhone do the work for you as it tells you each person's share of the bill!
1) Launch BillSplitter
2) Add people to split the bill with *
> Click 'Add New Person'.
> Use the built-in keyboard to give each person a name.
- You can add up to four (4) people at a time to speed up entering.
> Click 'Done'.
3) Add items that each person is responsible for *
> Click the person's name you wish to add items to.
> Use the built-in keyboard to give each item something to identify it with.
> Use the special number pad to assign prices to each item.
- You can add up to four (4) items to one person at a time to speed up entering.
> Click 'Done' to return to the individual's share, a list of the items and their prices will be displayed.
> Click 'Party' to return to the party screen, you will see the total amount due for each person excluding tax and tip.
4) Click 'Split Bill'
> Choose one of the three options to input the final bill.
- Items - You will input the tax rate and tip rate to determine the final bill
- Bill+Tax - You will input the Bill+Tax total and the tip rate to determine the final bill
- Bill+Tax+Tip - You will input the Bill+Tax+Tip total
> Choose one of the 6 options to round each person's share to
- options are to the nearest... $1.00, $0.50, $0.25, $0.10, $0.05, $0.01
5) Click 'Split the Bill'
1) The list of people in your party
2) The calculated share each person owes
*To remove People or Items, click 'Edit' in the upper right corner, red circles with '-' signs will appear to the left of each entry you can remove